Ling Jian Comprehends the Sword

The moment the two swords connected, there actually was none of the jarring clang of two metals ringing, but rather more like a sharp knife going through wood! A low scraping sound was heard, and 'shua', the reflective surface of Ling Jian's original sword was sliced into two!

"Sssss…" All those behind Ling Jian took in a sharp breath of cold air! Who would have thought that just by adding a minute amount of black iron into a sword, that it would result in such unparalleled keenness! Such a godly weapon was only heard of in the legends, but was now displayed in reality for all to see!

Ling Jian then grinned as he approached Ling Tian. But just as he was about to speak, he was surprisingly cut off by Ling Tian, who said, "No need to say anything, I know your intentions. From today on, you shall only use the broken sword. None of these blades will belong to you, for you do not treasure your companion weapon at all."