My Surname is Ling

"Nonsense!" Yu ZhanShui hollered, "As a member of the Yu Family and the only daughter of your generation, you actually dare to utter such outrageous words! You have truly forgotten your roots, your conduct is immoral and you have no sense of shame! Do you know what is the meaning of shame?"

"Shame? To think that First Elder still knows that there is a word called shame! First Elder is just too righteous, and BingYan does not wish to argue with you needlessly. However, there is something that I have to make clear! Yu BingYan is no longer part of the Yu Family!" Yu BingYan's eyes shone with determination.

"I am the woman of my most beloved man! I am Ling Tian's woman!" The last few words of hers were spoken with all the strength she could muster!

"Even if I die now, the engravings on my tombstone can only be 'Ling Family; Maiden name: Yu'. It will never be Yu BingYan of the Yu Family!"

"The celestials will not be able to change that!"