So Close yet So Far

Under the heap of soil, Ling Tian's mouth was placed on the other end of the reed pipe, and he gently shut his eyes, sinking into deep rest. He had almost dried up his body, with his internal energy trickling in drops, and his inner core akin to a dried piece of sponge, as clean as a newborn baby. It was only after a while that his inner core began to heat up, with thin streams of energy slowly coalescing there and leisurely flowing out to his meridians. The energy began to heal Ling Tian's damaged meridians from the constant overdrive he was in, and slowly, the rivulets turned into a small stream in his dantian.

The meridians in his body jumped slightly, and the acupoints on his feet also warmed up and responded, as they began to take in the surrounding energy into his body to merge with his internal energy. It was akin to meeting a long lost friend, as both energies merged together and began to spread through his entire body.