Justice’s Dream

Ling Tian clearly felt the hesitation coming from Justice. His eyes lit up and he spoke in a heavy voice, "Justice, based on your current martial realm, you've already reached the peak of your martial arts. In this world, there is no longer anyone who can surpass you! As such, you've already lost the driving force to proceed further! While you still want to do so, you found out that you cannot break through any further. While you have the goal, you don't have the pressure!"

"However, if I remain in this world, then you would definitely have the chance to break through! With me accompanying you along in the Martial Way, you will definitely no longer feel lonely! Being apprehensive every day as to when I will surpass you, under this sort of mental pressure, only then will you be able to surpass your limits! Justice, what you need now is exactly this sort of person, and other than me, you will not find another!"