Sky-High Price

Inside the hollow tree might be moist and cramped, but it could roughly fit one person seated. To have such a safe place to hide oneself could be considered a silver lining, but the problem was that there was a terrible smell inside, making people nauseous! Ling Tian sighed and revolved his Divine Shocking Dragon Formula at a rapid speed. Instantly, the temperature of the cubby hole rose shockingly, and the moist area began to dry out. At the same time, the unbearable stink was expelled outward with the activation of his internal energy!

Ling Tian then went back to the entrance and gestured with his palm. From the grass opposite the hole, a piece of bark was attracted to his palm, flying in the air and smacking onto the tree, seamlessly closing the gap. The entire tree then seemed to become a natural whole, without the existence of any cubbyholes visible...