Frightening Methods

DongFang HuaHu's body stiffened up completely! Right when their DongFang Family's troops were being attacked by an unknown assailant, Ling Tian, the massacring monster, had actually appeared in the tent without a single trace or sound!

Turning around abruptly and facing that familiar and handsome face, DongFang HuaHu's eyes narrowed, "You are Ling Tian?! That monster?!"

"Second Master DongFang has such a good memory indeed. How have you been!" Ling Tian chuckled as he walked into the tent and ignored DongFang HuaHu. It was as though Ling Tian did not even place DongFang HuaHu in his sights and that DongFang HuaHu did not even have the right to talk to him. Ling Tian had only given a calm greeting to DongFang JingLei!