A Perfect Scheme

"Err!" The words immediately got stuck in Shui QianHuan's mouth. Making such a promise at this time was really overstepping his boundaries. While he had confidence that his family would agree to him, but from an outsider's point of view, it was hard to merely trust in his words. An endorsement of sorts was still needed.

Seeing the black-robed man turning to leave, Shui QianHuan hurriedly replied, "Pavilion Head, please wait. I still have something to say."

The black-robed man lightly huffed as he stopped, and spoke impatiently, "What is it? I don't have all day!"

"Since Pavilion Head wishes to pull out, then I have a presumptuous favor to ask, would Pavilion Head please consider it?" Shui QianHuan said and smiled.

"Since you already mentioned that it is a presumptuous favor, then why bother to ask?" The masked man coldly replied, "The First Pavilion kills for money, plunders those who plunder, but has never once talked about giving favors."