A Small Bet

About thirty to forty feet away, dozens of individuals sudden swarmed out from the sides of the road and completely blocked the way. They were all in prime condition and it was obvious that they weren't too weak.

However, Ling Tian felt a sense of depression in his heart. Could it be that these people thought that they could stop him with so few people? They are overestimating themselves and underestimating him! Thinking about that, Ling Tian circulated his inner qi and sent his spiritual sense out to his surroundings.

The person in the lead shouted out, "Ling Tian, you are truly gutsy! You actually dare to walk into our territory so openly! Do you truly think that you are invincible?"

Li Xue chuckled and said softly, "Young noble Ling, you have to grasp this opportunity to have some fun."