Killing With a Single Sword

"Alright, alright," Li Xue raised her hands in surrender and said helplessly, "you have a habit that has not changed from your previous life. I made my deduction from that habit of yours."

"Habit? A habit in both my lives?" Ling Tian was truly puzzled, "What habit? Why don't I know about it?"

"Do you remember that you always wore a thin ring on your right index finger in your previous life?"

"Ring?" Ling Tian fell into a daze, "How could I forget about it? It was the only item my mother left for me."

"Yes," Li Xue's voice turned hoarse, "in your previous life you treated that ring as the most precious treasure of yours and also as a protective talisman. This is something that you also told me before. Before you embark on a mission or if you are uncertain about something, you subconsciously twiddle with the ring on your right finger. You once said that it would calm you down and ensure success in your mission!"