Leaving the City

Seeing Xiao YanXue still filled with doubt, Ling Tian sighed and explained, "Yu ManLou is already planning for the imperial throne after the continent is united. Why must he marry a lady from a big family? This is so that his future child would have sufficient status and foundation to ascend the throne in future including a sufficiently powerful mother clan! Do you understand? The more he chooses a lady from a prestigious family, the more he doesn't place any hope in the two sons of his! His anxiousness represents the importance which he places in this matter. Furthermore, his action would also mean that Yu ManLou was extremely satisfied and regarded this former prime minister greatly. Why shouldn't he be happy? If Yu ManLou united the continent in future, his grandson would be the future ruler of the world and his family would be carried to new heights as well! Can all of these benefits not outweigh a single daughter of his?"