Crazed Hatred

Ling Chen's face turned dark as she reprimanded, "NanGong TianHu, you dare to talk to me in such a tone in the territory of Sky Bearing? Your NanGong Family is bold indeed. Do you guys not want to live anymore?"

"Haha…" Mournful laughter could be heard, and NanGong Yu walked forward with bone-deep hatred in her eyes. "Ling Chen, Ling Tian killed my father in cruelty. Do you think that there is a need for us to be courteous to your Ling Family?"

Li Xue glared at NanGong Yu's slightly distorted appearance and finally understood what went wrong, "Since young noble killed your father, all of you can go and find young noble for revenge. What is the point of all of you blocking two weak ladies like us?"

NanGong Yu ignored Li Xue completely as she said while gnashing her teeth, "Ling Chen! You are only a lowly servant. Are you curious why I would choose you as a target? Haha…"