Serious Injuries

As Xiao YanXue woke up from her slumber, she felt her whole body aching. The moment she crawled out from the bed, she thought about what Ling Tian did to her last night and began stomping her feet angrily. This darn Ling Tian, he actually dared to seal this Miss's acupoints! Unforgivable! Even if my uncle can hold his anger back in, my aunt will not be able to do so. Even if my aunt can hold her anger in, I cannot hold my anger back in!

She then lifted the folds of the tent up fiercely and wanted to seek revenge on Ling Tian. However, she suddenly felt a light flashing before her eyes and as she squinted her eyes to take a look, she saw a long sword sticking out from a pile of rocks reflecting the sunlight into her eyes! Looking at this sword, Xiao YanXue suddenly felt a sense of familiarity and could not help but gasp, "Heaven Splitter?!"