Perfect Assassination

Seeing his mythical and ghostly movement techniques, DongFang JingLei truly received a huge shock. While Ling Tian's movements were extraordinary in the past, they had not reached such a level! Looking in the direction that Ling Tian left, complex feelings appeared on his face. He suddenly felt as though he had boarded a pirate ship, unable to get off right now. Was today's choice really correct?

However, since he had already boarded the pirate ship, he might as well prepare to 'dance with the pirates'!

The sky slowly darkened, as the crescent moon shaped like a hook slowly appeared in the sky. The stars hidden in the vast sky also began to shine brightly.

In the dark night.

Garbed in black traveling clothes with a black mask on his face, Ling Tian only revealed his bright eyes as he crouched on a branch, appearing as though he was invisible to the world.