Return Journey

With a carefree laughter, Ling Tian floated onto his horse without turning back, "Wonderful! Wonderful! This is the outcome of you trying to snatch someone's wife!"

He then turned around and said gently, "My dear wife, the matters have been settled and even if crown prince DongFang wants to snatch the wife of another in the future, he won't have the ability to do so. Shall we leave?"

Xiao YanXue responded with a soft 'Mmm' and the hands covering her face tightly eased up slightly. At the same time, her face flushed red upon hearing Ling Tian call her 'my dear wife'. Ling Tian then laughed heartily and grabbed the reins of Xiao YanXue's horse in his hands. With a light kick, both the horses began galloping forward.

Seeing how the guards in front of him were standing in a daze, Ling Tian exploded forth with killing intent and shouted, "Are the rest of you not going to form up into a formation to send my wife and I off? Do you still want to compare notes with me?"