Ling Chi's Strike

Lei ZhenTian ignored the icy numbness and irritation of his chest wound, rushing to the scene where he last heard the scream and urgently asking, "XiaoSong, what happened to you? Where are you injured?!" Right now, he still possessed a last bit of hope. However, all that was dashed the moment the words left his mouth as he saw his son's corpse, dead with his eyes wide open. His son's head had been pierced all the way through by a sharp arrow!

"WHO DID THIS?!" Lei ZhenTian jumped in fury, gazing at the crowd with bloodshot eyes.

The various warriors of the Lei Family cast their eyes full of hatred in a certain direction. Over at that side, two ladies were leaning on each other, heaving big gulps of air with every breath. They gazed back at Lei ZhenTian, their eyes meeting his that were full of overwhelming hate!