BingYan Returns Home

Ling Tian's original plan was to have Yu ManLou step out and kill off all the Lei Family remnants, then Ling Tian would take the chance to announce to the world his misdeeds and sully the reputation of Yu ManLou. The best scenario was to completely isolate him, thus allowing himself to achieve an easier time in the final battle.

Furthermore, what Ling Tian asked for was the heads of the Lei Family members. Inside his plan, Yu ManLou would need to personally deliver the heads, and by that time, there would be no way for him to deny this accusation.

How would they know that Yu ManLou would actually act so shameless?! Although they did not meet, Yu ManLou evidently saw through Ling Tian's scheme and countered it immediately. You told me to bring over the heads, but you didn't mention I had to do it in person! Now that the heads have been taken, all I just need to do would be to write a few words on the wall. I have the freedom to do so...