Operation Ox Blade

Including Ling Jian, fifty individuals stood up straight. The only one missing was XiMen Sa who was still in the Yu Family. As Ling Tian looked at the fifty of them one by one, a satisfied smile could be seen on his face. This was Ling Tian's foundation!

As he saw a figure trying his best to conceal himself at the rear, Ling Tian could not help but be dumbfounded. He then turned around to look at Ling Jian with disbelief, "You are... Fifty?"

The other forty-nine burst out into laughter.

That person squeezed his way through the crowd and had a face full of embarrassment, "Ling Fifty pays my respects to young noble."

Ling Tian's jaw dropped in shock. "Fifty, this young noble thought that there is nothing more in the world capable of shocking me. I never expected that you would be able to shock me this way."

Ling Fifty lowered his head with his face reddened.