The Tires Were Punctured


Qingfeng Li frowned deeply. Naturally, he had also sensed the danger. The tire was punctured and the car was heading towards the edge of the cliff.

In the moment of danger, Qingfeng Li slammed the brake and steered the steering wheel. The Ferrari finally managed to come to a stop when it was half a meter away from the edge of the cliff.

If it was a moment slower, the Ferrari would have fallen off the cliff. It was all thanks to Qingfeng Li’s superb driving skills that he managed to stop the car.

"Look, Jiaojiao Liu’s Ferrari seemed to have punctured a tire. The front tire is missing too."

"Yeah, I saw it. The tire was punctured when they were at a curve too."

"How dangerous, the Ferrari almost fell off the cliff. They almost died."

The people in the bar saw the happenings through the television. They all gasped in surprise when they saw the punctured Ferrari.