Qingfeng Became Furious

Qingfeng Li couldn't get into the villa because he forgot to bring his keys today. However, he knew something was happening and he could not wait.


Qingfeng Li extended his right leg and kicked the door open. His kick was so powerful that it smashed open the door right away. However, what jumped into his sight was Xue Lin laying on the floor.

"What happened to you, honey?" Qingfeng Li was shocked seeing this, he rushed towards Xue Lin fast like a sharp arrow.

He tried to wake her up by calling her name, but it didn't work. Her face was dull black which was a symptom of poisoning.

The water was poisoned?

Qingfeng Li's attention was caught by the glass on the floor, realizing that Xue Lin was poisoned by the water she drank.

Was that from the barrelled water in the dispenser?

Qingfeng Li took out a silver needle, dipped it into the water, and it turned black immediately.