Ruyan, I Love You!

Qingfeng dashed like a madman out of the neighborhood. He stopped a taxi and headed towards Eastern Sea International Airport.

Under normal circumstances, it would only require 30 Yuan to get to the airport. To get to the airport speedily, Qingfeng gave the taxi driver 1000 Yuan.

It was worth any amount of money if he could see Ruyan Liu.

A few minutes later, Qingfeng felt that the taxi driver's speed was way too slow. He asked the taxi driver to park the taxi. Then, he grabbed the taxi driver out of the taxi and drove the car towards the airport.

"Bastard. You thief! Why are you driving my car?" The taxi driver yelled angrily when he saw Qingfeng driving away his taxi.

He had spent a lot of money to loan the taxi. The taxi was his livelihood. He was furious that Qingfeng had driven it away.