Who Said She's Dead?

Qingfeng’s slap was loud and clear. The middle-aged man was stunned. He did not expect that the young man would dare to hit him. Did the young man not see the dozen people behind him?

"Young man, you dare to hit me…you are looking for your death," The middle-aged man said viciously as he held onto his face.


Qingfeng slapped the middle-aged man’s face again when he heard the insults. His force was even stronger this time. Instantly, one of the man’s tooth fell out and his face swelled up like a bun.

Qingfeng has been displeased with the middle-aged man for a long time. You said that your wife had passed away. Well, you could resolve the matter with the hospital. Why were you bullying a woman?

Since he was displeased with the middle-aged man, Qingfeng did not hold back when he hit the middle-aged man man. The middle-aged man got a strong beating.

"Brothers, go and beat him up," The middle-aged man said darkly to the people behind him.