Girls Falling For Qingfeng

Qingfeng had proven himself in front of the students and the professors enough to be accepted as a guest professor in the University without disagreement.


"Qingfeng, I mean, Professor Li, you only need to give one lecture on Mondays in the future. You can arrange the rest of your schedule," Miaochun smiled and said to Qingfeng.


Guest professors were different than regular professors in the University. Regular professors would need to have daily lectures for students since they were the directors of each program. Yet, guest professor would only need to have one lecture per week since they were just hired to teach in the school.

Certainly, a guest professor could also hold more lectures if they had time.


Qingfeng nodded as he understood. He was about to leave the class, yet, the students were enthusiastic and kept asking him to give more lectures.