Clamping Iron Bar With Two Fingers


Biao Luo opened his mouth and coughed out a huge glob of blood. His face was pale and some of his bones were broken, which caused him to be unable to get up. All he could do was lie on the ground like a dead dog.

He stared at Qingfeng Li with his eyes full of fear, his face pale from no blood circulating under his skin. He was terrified of this incredibly strong young man in front of him, who was definitely the most powerful person he had ever seen. Qingfeng Li knocked him out with only one punch, seriously injuring him.

"No. 999 Sky Wolf wins. He earns ten points." the middle-aged referee's stentorian voice announced the competition result.

The people around heated up after hearing the result from the referee. Madness showed up on many of the audience members' faces.

"Biao Luo is such a bastard! How could he lose to Sky Wolf. I bet a hundred thousand on him."