Screwing Over the Hell King

"Hell King?"

Seeing it was Hell King made Qingfeng Li's expression chang. His face was filled with rage and hatred.

Qingfeng Li hated the Hell King who almost killed Ruyan Liu. He wanted to kill him but couldn't because they were at the auction. Without the Luo Family's permission, they couldn't fight.

"Well then let me complicate the matter for you." Qingfeng Li decided that he would not let Hell King get .

"Five hundred million." Qingfeng Li suddenly said loudly and his voice filled the whole room.

The excited Hell King's expression suddenly blanked out, and then it was filled with rage. He obviously didn't think someone would dare to compete with him in Tianjing province.

When he saw it was Qingfeng Li who called the price, it made him pissed off even more.

Qingfeng Li wanted to kill the Hell King and the Hell King wanted to kill him as well. The both of them wanted to make the other die.