Returning to Eastern Sea City, Saving Yunhe Zhang

Because of his worry towards Xue Lin, Qingfeng hurried towards Eastern Sea City. He arrived at Eastern Sea City at 7pm.

Since he was rushing towards Eastern Sea City, his clothes were torn into tatters by the thorns in the Mountains. He looked like a miserable beggar and there was dirt covering his entire body.

There were many people on the streets of Eastern Sea City, and they looked at Qingfeng strangely when they saw him. Qingfeng looked like a wild man who had ran out of the woods.

Qingfeng ignored the looks from the surrounding people as he dashed towards Eastern Sea Medical University. His cellphone broke when it fell to the ground at the tomb of the the Elixir King.

The security guard refused to let Qingfeng enter the university when Qingfeng arrived at the entrance of the university since Qingfeng looked like a wild beggar.
