Awakening the Purple Bat Bloodline

"Yoshiko Sato, what happened?" Qingfeng Li asked, his expression channed as he noticed Yoshiko Sato's anxious appearance.

Yoshiko Sato's charming face turned pale as she hurriedly said, "Master, I just got the news. Kendo clan hired Array Master - they want to kill you."

 Array Master?

Hearing these words, Qingfeng Li's pupils suddenly shrank, as he was clear of Array Master's capability - the ability to set up a formation spell and trap people inside.

 In the Inferno-Thunder Mountain, Qingfeng Li had witnessed the power of Sky Thunder Array. At the time, he had the help from the Dark Night Emperor, and only with his help was he able to find the centre of the Array and gain control of the thunder and lightning.