Baleful Spirits

Huozhu Chi stared ahead into the black fog, his expression changing. He had just been mocking Qingfeng Li, but now, there was a mass of black fog headed their way.


If this was just some ordinary black fog, he wouldn't be afraid. The problem was that this mass of black fog took the shape of a person. The thing looked exactly like a human being, but was constructed of the black substance.


It had narrow eyes, long hair, and black fingernails. All in all, it looked like a ghost that had crawled out of Hell. From its mouth came the sniffling sound and, although it was still faint, the other two now heard it as well.


Qingfeng Li glanced over at Huozhu Chi. "I told you so," he said. "I said there was a sound and there you were questioning me. Now, do you see?"


Huozhu Chi's expression shifted from dark to pale, and to dark again. However, he couldn't dispute the fact as the proof was right before their eyes.