The Half-Step Saint Law

The cracks were endless and at least several thousand meters deep. Almost like a great earthquake, all the rocks, ghosts, zombies, and everything around fell into the cracks, becoming lost in the deepest lava as they screamed miserably.


"Qingfeng Li, you wretched bastard. How dare you damage my Underworld Necropolis. Today, I will kill you!"


The Underworld Monarch's voice rose from the deepest parts of the Underworld Necropolis, full of rage.


He burst out with a titanic roar. Billowy corpse energy traveled and occupied the sky above the entire Underworld Necropolis.


The corpse energy enveloped an area, hundreds of kilometers wide, covering everything in a thick layer of black fog. No sunlight could penetrate it and the entire place was bathed in darkness. At that moment, the Underworld Monarch was full of wrath.