Contract with the Blood Clan

It was as if the Blood Immortal was back in her childhood time again. She remembered that a million years ago, when she was still a little girl, she saw a dharma treasure, which was the Soul of Chaos.


The Soul of Chaos could release black and white rays, and the rays were enough to cover the entire Blood Clan. At one moment, it was as if the rays were strong enough to destroy the world.


Blood Immortal's teacher told her later that, that was the Ultimate Treasure of Chaos. The dharma treasure itself had a soul, and it was actually the ancestor of the Blood Clan.


Chaos created all beings, and everything started from Chaos.


Human, demonic beasts, the Blood Clan, Devil Clan, Ghost Clan, Immortal Clan, Sea Clan, and plants all came from the Chaos. Therefore, Chaos was the ancestor of everything in the world.


Qingfeng Li looked from the back, and he was dumbfounded.