The Xiao Clan, Yun Xiao

"Thank you," Yun Luofeng said sincerely, with gratitude in her black eyes.

Qin Yuan's body stiffened and he said with a wry smile, "Mistress, my master is your man, so it's my duty to do whatever you ordered. You really don't need to thank me." He knew that no matter how she threatened him, she would not really do anything so cruel to him. Though Mistress seemed domineering outside and would beat anyone she didn't like without hesitation, she was very nice to people on her own side. Otherwise, she would not have said 'thank you' to him.

It was because Mistress was such a person that he was willing to obey her orders.

"Tell my grandfather, I will come back in half a year or up to two or three years." Yun Luofeng finally looked at Qin Yuan and walked out of the door. She knew that if she told her grandfather that she was going to go to the Spirit Domain, he wouldn't allow it. So she could only leave without saying goodbye.


The Spirit Domain.