Heavenly Martial Pavilion Was Destroyed (6)

Perhaps Tang Tianyu's words had worked, as the fire that had surrounded him gradually faded away and soon disappeared!

After witnessing this scene, no one present would dare to casually swear for fear that they would suffer the punishment of God!

Tang Tianyu fell to the ground and panted, "Yun Luofeng, even if the Tian Family did something wrong, you should not wipe out the whole family. By doing that, there is simply no difference between you and the devil!"

"I only kill those who deserve it," Yun Luofeng paused, "and the Tian Family people just deserved it!"

You could only remove out the source of the trouble by plucking up the evil by the roots. That was why she resolutely destroyed the whole Tian Family!

When Tang Tianyu was going to defend himself again, a figure quickly rushed over and pressed him under her body. Her little fists kept punching Tang Tianyu, and Tang Tianyu flew into a great rage and hurriedly seized Tang Yue's arm.