Humiliation, Eye Roll (2)

From start to end, Jiang Mengyao did not look at Yun Luofeng and the others, as though they were not worthy of her gaze. 

Ye Jingchen tightly clenched his fists. It was his first time feeling so powerless. 

"Brother Ye," Jun Fengling raised her brows, "it's nothing more than words. The ridicule I have experienced these past years was not any less than this. I already don't care about the gazes of the populace. As long as I can be with you, I have nothing to fear."

Her words made Ye Jingchen's heart hurt more, but they also made him come to an internal decision. No matter what, he must take back the power that belonged to him. He absolutely would not allow anyone to bully his wife!

"Bah!" Ye Qi spat towards the ground, her face red with fury. "What a bunch of snobs and a den of pests! Jiang Mengyao and Ye Tianwen truly deserve each other!"