Ancestor Fox

Ye Feifan was the person who founded the Ye Family and specified the Ye Family's mission as protecting one person!

Since she knew the ancestor's name, then she...

"B*tch, I told you to get out of my way, didn't you hear me?" Ye Jingxuan angrily shouted and was going to give Huohuo a good beating.

Suddenly Huohuo looked up at him...

Her stare shook his soul and made his heart shiver. A wave of fear immediately swept through him.

"You were talking about me, and now you're letting me go?"

Huohuo smiled. Under her innocent face, there hid a demonic smile.

"And you used my name to threaten people? What I hate most is to be taken advantage of by people!"

Ye Jingxuan was stunned.

What did the little girl mean?

Used her name to threaten people?

I only mentioned the fox with a broken tail...