Xiao Yuqing's Pain (3)

However, Yun Luofeng's dark eyes were completely placid without a single ripple. No one was able to detect any emotions from her eyes.

Liu Chenyi's pupils contracted. He had a feeling that this woman was not someone easily seduced, despite his immense confidence in his methods.

"Miss Yun," Liu Chengyi's lips turned up with a kind smile, "I have been looking forward to meeting you for a long time. My interest in you goes far back. It is my honor to have you as my opponent."

Seeing Liu Chengyi treat Yun Luofeng so gently caused the women beneath them to go crazy from jealousy.

"Doesn't Yun Luofeng already have a husband? How could she seduce Young Master Liu so shamelessly!"

"Her husband is nothing more than the son of an aristocratic family in some tiny kingdom. How could he compare with Young Master Liu? At least the Lanxiang Kingdom is one of the top 10 kingdoms, and he is also the son of the Grand Tutor, so his status is extremely noble."