Yun Luofeng's Rage (7)


After Yun Luofeng pumped the spiritual energy inside Lin Ruobai, Lin Ruobai suddenly shuddered, and a spirit nail was forced out of her. However, there were still hundreds of spirit nails on her.

These spirit nails were connected with her spirit, so any careless motion would cause the spirit to be irreparably damaged. Hence, Yun Luofeng was very careful in every step, afraid that she would harm Lin Ruobai's spirit…

Time quickly passed and the sky outside the prison also dimmed. At some point in time, Yun Luofeng's back was drenched in sweat, and her clothes stickily clung to her.

Milk Tea tightly clenched his fists and looked at Yun Luofeng with worry. "Master, why don't you rest? If you continue, your body can't handle it."

Yun Luofeng appeared to not have heard him, and her body's spiritual energy poured into Lin Ruobai without restraint, completely disregarding the possibility of draining herself dry.