Endless Loving Affections (3)

Hearing Huohuo's words, Little Tree turned to the people leaving, and his soft voice uttered, "Kill!"

Yes! Anyone who bullied his parents deserved to die!


Countless vines raised from underneath the ground again. Without waiting for those people to escape, the vines already wrapped around them, turning them immobile.

"Little Tree, whip them to death for me. Right, don't kill the woman who played the flute. Your dad said to sell her to a brothel. Doesn't she like to gain men's favor? Then we will fulfill her desires," Huohuo ordered with her hands on her hips.

The chubby baby waved his hand, and countless vine whips appeared in front of those people. Under their fearful gazes, the whips mercilessly lashed down.

Swish, swish, swish!

Only the sound of the whip cutting through the air rang in the mountain, along with those heart-wrenching screams.