Endless Loving Affections (9)

While saying this, the girl was about to take a step over the door sill.

Killing intent flashed through Yun Xiao's eyes. "If your leg dares to step through the door, I will immediately chop it off."

The man's emotionless and chilly voice caused her to shudder and subconsciously pull her leg back.

The aura around this man was too powerful, so powerful that her master might not be able to compare!

The woman frowned. "Your child is crying so pitifully, how can you bear it?"


The man waved his sleeves, and a burst of energy mercilessly sent the girl flying back. At the same time, he slammed the door, shutting the girl outside his house.

"Senior Sister Mengqi!"

Seeing the girl thrown onto the ground, the crowd behind her reacted and hurriedly helped her up.

"Senior Sister Mengqi, how are you?"