Time Was Like Water (5)

"Mo Qiancheng, let go first," she said with a slight furrow of her brows.

Mo Qiancheng started. It was only then that he discovered his hold on Yun Luofeng's wrist had turned it red due to his excessive force. His heart was squeezed, and heartache flooded his eyes. He started sputtering due to his anxiousness, "I… I didn't do it on purpose. Does it hurt? I can help you rub…"

"Mo Qiancheng, I now control this illusory realm. When I leave, I will bring the illusory realm with me, so you will also follow me," Yun Luofeng solemnly stated.

Joy entered Mo Qiancheng's heart, appearing to be in disbelief about her words. "You won't abandon me? You are willing to bring me along when you leave?"

Yun Luofeng nodded. "Also, in the future, my subordinates will enter the illusory realm to cultivate."

Before Mo Qiancheng saw through her lies, the people around her were safe. It would not cause any harm even if she had the members of the corps enter…