Bountiful Harvest (7)

That's right. If Yun Luofeng hadn't harvested jade snake grass and coincidentally allowed them to chance upon her actions, which resulted in them determining that her strength was weak, he would not make use of others to encircle and annihilate Yun Luofeng.

Therefore, everything was Yun Luofeng's fault!

"On purpose?" Yun Luofeng smirked and her tone was eerie. "Are you deserving?"

Su Jun's expression was deathly pale. He retreated and looked at Yun Luofeng in fear. The reason was that he realized that Yun Luofeng's figure was gradually disappearing...

That's right! Her figure was gradually fading away, disappearing from head to toe as if she was blending into the surroundings.

"Master!" Xiao Mo's saw the strange phenomenon happening to Yun Luofeng. He dashed toward her without hesitation while holding Lin Ruobai, and hastily grabbed her hand. After touching Yun Luofeng, Xiao Mo's body also started to fade away, slowly disappearing...