Qin Luo Defeated (2)

Under the leadership of Milk Tea and the hamster queen, gold-seeking hamsters also made trouble for Qin Luo. However, gold-seeking hamsters were not very powerful, so such interference didn't work well and they could only hold her off for a while.

The Skeleton Corps was imperishable, which Qin Luo had spent many years on, so they were very powerful. Though they were only at the sage lord level, they made a lot of troubles for Qin Luo because they were indestructible.

Of course, the strongest one was Little Tree.

Since he absorbed the memory, his strength had improved a lot, but it was not so easy for him to regain all his power. He could only gradually increase his strength. However, those waving vines, as if having a life, could not only take the initiative to attack, but also evade Qin Luo's attacks, so Qin Luo was greatly distracted by them and was hit by Yun Xiao's attack.