Another Story of Huaxia (35)

Lin Qi kept silent for a while before he said, "Let's go to meet Fu Qing."

Everyone else got up and started walking toward the Spring room as led by the waiter.


At the moment, in the Spring room, Fu Qing was a little uneasy. She knew her classmates told her about the class party not out of kindness, but with the purpose of mocking her. She suddenly regretted agreeing to Pang Ziyue's request.

Soon there was a noise outside. Fu Qing looked up when a group of people pushed open the door of the room and rushed in.

"Fu Qing, I didn't expect you were really here."

Pang Ziyue gave a friendly smile and walked slowly towards Fu Qing. She wanted to see if Fu Qing's sugar daddy was here, but she looked around only to see Fu Ru, a couple and two children.

Seeing this, Pang Ziyue was a bit disappointed...