I'll Take Care of What Happens Outside Our Home, While You Take Care of the Inside

In order to find out about Han Xiner's exact condition, Luo Hao instructed someone to retrieve the note he scrunched up from the bin. He then secretly found the girl's address.

The girl didn't expect Luo Hao to show up at her house. Assuming he had a message from Tangning, she quickly let Luo Hao into the house cheerily.

"Did you come today to tell me Xiner will be saved?"

Luo Hao looked at the naive expression on the girl's face and gently curved his lips upwards, "Can you tell me Han Xiner's current condition?"

The girl thought for a moment before sitting down on the sofa beside Luo Hao. She hesitantly started explaining, "I met Xiner in high school and we later went to study abroad together. Unfortunately, Xiner's kidneys weren't well and we had no luck looking for a compatible donor."