I Don't Need Your Life

Mo Ting found out through Lu Che that Tangning had been invited to partake in 'Concubine Ning'. Of course, as soon as he looked at the script...

...no...to be exact, as soon as he saw the name of the drama, he already knew that Tangning would like it.

Especially since the story was so well written and the production was on such a large scale. Most importantly, this drama was to be released by a national film and television agency.

To Tangning, this was a great form of acknowledgment. Even someone like Lin Sheng had never received an opportunity like this.

"'Concubine Ning'...is quite interesting," Mo Ting flipped through the script and saw a brief introduction for Tangning's character. She was a true villain; so evil that it made people gnash their teeth at the sight of her.