Try To Complain? Get A Face Slap.

To prevent people from causing trouble again, Long Jie specifically hired two bodyguards for Luo Sheng's parents. These two men appeared to be normal workers in the store, but in reality, they could paralyze a person with one swift move.

Of course, SMY's members couldn't accept being overshadowed. Especially since they had always been the ones to bully Luo Sheng. How could they let him tread on top of them now?

So, they hired three men to appear at Luo Sheng's parents' store to cause trouble again. Unfortunately, as soon as they stepped foot into the store, they were kicked out by the bodyguards arranged by Long Jie. On top of that, they were dragged to an empty alley and given a good beating.

"If you turn on the three rascals that hired you and give them a beating, I will pay you triple of what they offered you. What do you say?" the two bodyguards tempted. "We can give you a deposit first."