Has Your Anger Been Dissolved?

Nangong Quan did not reply as he handed over his business card and returned to Su Youran's side.

"It seems, your luggage has already been packed. I guess, that's one less thing for us to worry about. Thank you, Mr. Su," Nangong Quan said politely to Father Su.

As soon as Father Su looked at Nangong Quan's business card, he realized he was the man that had been appearing on the newspapers a lot recently: the CEO of Springfall Film and Television. On top of that, he was also the founder of a technology company in the US.

"Mr. Nangong and my daughter..."

"Youran is my fiancee. I haven't had the chance to visit yet, but I didn't expect to encounter this on my first visit," Nangong Quan laughed before he wrapped his arm around Su Youran and turned to leave, "Let's go..."

"Mr. Nangong, please stay a moment..."