A Black Blossom on the Back of the Lad

In the border town, along the journey, at the Old Brush Pen Shop and many other places, Ning Que told Sangsang for many times that even if he could not practice cultivation, he, her young master, could still break the enemies with his skillful way of using knives. However, at least in the present, this seemingly sonorous and powerful declaration could only be a spiritual comfort or mental masturbation to a larger extent.

He understood what incredible abilities those mighty ones in the world of cultivation had, and he never expected to be able to beat a cultivator in a face-to-face battle, not to mention that this one in front of him was obviously a swordsman who had at least stepped into the No Doubts State.

In this first fight with a cultivator, what he could rely on was only some indirect experience, so he did not hold much hope, and yet also did not sink into despair. He has always believed that only dead people need to despair.