
A Sheet of Paper, A Scroll of Calligraphy, Two Crashes of Thunder

Thousands years before the Tang kingdom was established, seventeen kingdoms were united and tried to annihilate Tang, while Haotian Taoism had been secretely watching this happening. Nevertheless, the attempt failed disastrously. Since the sweeping defeat, the Tang kingdom had established its dominant and monarchy status, and even Haotian Taoism, the representative of divine salvation illuminating every corner of the world, had to turn a blind eye at this and bitterly swallow the reality.

Up to date, Haotian Taoism was still popular and widespread in Tang, yet it didn't mean that West-Hill Divine Temple was as of holy and uttermost importance in Tang as it was in other kingdoms. In the eyes of Tang people, the South School of Haotian Taoism was the solely recognized religious institution that was entitled to preach and convey divine will, which was yet a deformed product born from the thousands-years-ago war.