
The View in the Spring Morning

Yan Se was so mad that his entire body was trembling with rage. However, he had not had the chance to react before he heard another voice.

"Oh, I was wrong. Both you and Li Qingshan do dare to complain. Only children who complain will get milk to drink. Your trouble now is that you don't know which side of the breast to drink from."

Yan Se was startled by his words. He did not know whether to laugh or cry and angrily said, "Why must you be so crass?"

Second Brother turned around and looked at him calmly. "Both shit and pee are natural. As long as the reasoning is sound, why you care about the vocabulary used?"

Yan Se nodded frantically and looked uprighteous for a moment, and not like someone who was uneducated. He sighed and said, "Jun Mo, oh Jun Mo, how do you want people to view you? I really don't understand how someone as proud as you are could live for so many years."