
Should He Feel Awe at Those Peaks?

Memories were mere memories after all, not to mention the memories of another world where people could not go back. Ning Que became absentminded for a short moment before quickly returning to the real world. He remembered the phrase Chen Pipi had previously said and asked, "Who is the mute person?"

Chen Pipi saw the non-resistance from his eyes and replied after one moment of hesitation, "Buddhism World Wayfarer."

Ning Que slowly furrowed the brows and thought that the words World Wayfarer sounded really awesome to the extreme. After a slight pause, he continued to ask, "Your Senior Brother of West-Hill must be World Wayfarer of Haotian Taoism. Then who is the dumb one surnamed with Tang?"

"World Wayfarer of Devil's Doctrine." Chen Pipi looked at him and seriously said, "He's a very mysterious guy."