
Cutting Snow (I)

Ning Que had never been much of a clean freak for he had grown up drenched in blood and rot. He would do anything in order to achieve his goals. As such, he had never thought that he would die from charging into a camp after not being able to beat Xia Hou with his skills.

Some might think that it was glory, but he thought it was an idiotic behavior. Xia Hou would be still alive and kicking while you were dead. He might even use your skull as a wine cup. You wouldn't be able to do much if you were a white piece of bone staring at your enemy with empty holes for eyes.

This did not mean that he would be a coward against Xia Hou's formidable strength. He would always take note of this General with all his gleaming medals and seach for a loophole and plan every single detail for his inevitable fight against him. He even thought of how to drag Second Brother into this pile of dung even though it was quite immoral of him to do so.